What constitutes good advertising? We’ve got a pretty great idea.

Obviously the creative idea is the “be-all and end-all” of any good advertising campaign.

The question though is what is “creative”. Apparently, there are even especially founded “clubs” that just grapple with this question.

The fact is: we need concrete definitions that we can base our creation on and assess the quality of ideas by. That is why we ask the following questions during the development process:

  • Is the idea right in terms of the strategy?
  • Does it stand out in the advertising environment?
  • Is it recognisable and memorable?
  • Is it clear and understandable?
  • Are you happy to watch it several times?
  • Does it produce the desired reaction in the target group?

Focusing on these criteria ultimately serves just one raison d'être and that is to guarantee as far as possible that the campaign works in the spirit of your marketing objectives. As a result the question about “good or not good” can also be answered really easily at the end. By checking whether the defined goals were achieved or not.

We will be happy to present our case studies and exemplary advertising projects to you in person.